Friday, October 23, 2009

Let's play!

Remember these Disco Years toys?

I dug the gooey, icky feel and even the chemical smell of Slime, but it’s one of those toys that you say ‘hey, cool!’, then 3 minutes later you put it aside and never think about it again. I guess if you were into pranks involving…oh, I don’t know…snot...then maybe you’d get a little more charge out of it.

Rock’em-Sock’em Robots! Got’em for Christmas one year. Remember the commercials? ‘You knocked my block off!’

Simon is a toy that my parents liked as much as I did…actually, we got the cheaper knock-off called Einstein…but it was still the same memory/copy-cat game. Pretty addictive...and frustrating!

Only a little more engaging than Slime…the ever popular Slinky was a biggie in the Disco Years…

Okay, I bet most folks don’t remember this one, but it was an awesome toy…Spirograph! Who needs talent? Just stick your colored pen (conveniently included) into the little whirly-gig. wiggle it around, and you can make perfect curly-cue design thingies. Excellent...unless you do it on the dining room table and the pen cuts into the wood... (My dad did it...not me...I swear!)

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