Friday, January 15, 2021

Man From Atlantis Vintage Collectibles

 Those Webbed Fingers...

Man from Atlantis was a science fiction television series that ran for 13 episodes on NBC during the 1977–78 season, following four television films that had aired earlier in 1977.

The series starred Patrick Duffy as an amnesiac man given the name of Mark Harris, believed to be the only surviving citizen of the lost civilization of Atlantis.  Mark possesses the ability to breathe underwater and withstand extreme depth pressures. His hands and feet are webbed and his eyes are unusually sensitive to light.  Following his discovery, he is recruited by the Foundation for Oceanic Research, a government agency that conducts top secret research and explores the depths of the ocean in a sophisticated submarine called the Cetacean.

TRIVIA:  Patrick Duffy would inhale water into his nose and mouth while underwater to prevent air bubbles from escaping while he swam or "talked."



Lunch box:

Autographed photo:


TV Guide ad:

TV Guide:

1979 annual:

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