Tuesday, January 26, 2010

We're gonna make it!

Not long ago I finished watching season 1 of ‘Laverne & Shirley’ on DVD. This show was a popular spin-off from ‘Happy Days’ during the Disco Years. I watched both shows as a kid. It was fun that Laverne and Shirley were regular girls just trying to get by in life with some dignity and success. Who couldn't relate to that?!
In watching the series now, I found the characters warm and still funny after all these years. Pretty refreshing that they were best friends and genuinely liked each other even though, of course, they'd argue and get into misunderstandings. Their relationship seemed real, while at the same time I had the comfort of knowing they’d always make up in the end.

Laverne was a tough and no-nonsense gal who constantly had boy troubles. Shirley was the sweet one. You just totally wanted to hang out with them.

I found I liked Lenny and Squiggy more in re-watching the episodes than I did originally. I’d always thought they were silly and obnoxious, which they still were, but I seemed to be able to go with it a little better now that I’m older.

Some favorite episodes from the first season:
- The Bachelor Party: Aaayyyy! The Fonz is in it! Shirley coming out of the cake is a riot.
- Bowling for Razzberries: I like it when the girls have a wacky nemesis. This time it’s the head of their bowling rivals.
- It’s in the Water: The one where Shirley gets the beer tasting job over Laverne, but then Laverne saves Shirley from her lecherous new boss. It really gives you a good insight into their friendship.

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